Poem: Gothic State of Mind

Somewhere, we are languishing

But not always together

Hiding in our darkness

In a room of rainy weather

Smoke hangs heavy, lilting

Candles dimly burn

Music in the stillness

This book’s pages do not turn

Sweetness is so bitter

Memories only remain

Happiness not experienced

But tender is this pain

All this beauty lasts

Only this short time

Thoughts and heartfelt feelings

Frozen in my mind

Hearts are warmed by darkness

Bleak waves are in the skies

The beauty lies in the blackness

That lie deep within your eyes

In darkness is there comfort

Away from all prying eyes

Slowly time goes onward

While our hearts are in disguise

In this darkness, there is comfort

Cool like marble and stone

Envelops me in loving arms

When we are the same: alone

Beauty always fading

Embrace what is dark and cold

Keep all these silent witnesses

That remain deep in my heart’s hold

©2017 James Takeo

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